Wow... Saturday was an AWESOME day...
My husband had to work unexpectedly and he was going to watch the kids help me with the Primary activity I was in charge of. EEEEK.
So I found a place for Jack to Go - Blessing- and she ended up taking Bailee and Bringing her to the activity- Blessing 2
Right before I had to go take the kids I was feeling REALLY nauseous and tried to shove the nauseous feeling away with food (my normal tactic... It's just what I do?!?!) and I felt worse and worse till finally I just startes puking. Full on body up heavals. Since I was there alone with the kids they all came in for the show... Bailee kept asking me if I was okay I kept trying to answer between body convulsions and Jack got a stool and climbed so he could see the action better.
I finally felt as though I might be done... not feeling well, but at least able to brush my teeth and I had to leave for the primary activity. Side Note....I figured out I had taken my medicine before I ate my yogurt... APPARENTLY not the best idea... (Ben's comment was... and we learned something from this :) helpful!)
So stomach still week, Breakfast in the sink... drop off the kids, and get to Church. Set up the activity...Run the Activity.... Normal Activity Chaos... over in a few hours... Quick Break down- blessing 3
Pick up my kids... put then down for a nap, they take them- blessing 4. Ben gets home from work. I leave for work and run into Ben's Car... yea I was in tears... I guess I just scratched mine and his was unscathed-blessing 5...
Get to work stomach still funky, feeling exhausted from my day... HAVE to get some work done but all I can think about is that I have Sharing time Tomorrow... So I plan that instead of working... THAN finally get some needed work done, but I had to take some home since I spent my work time on Primary stuff...
I put the kids to bed and then CRASHED.....
GEEZ... There was more but that is the jist.... God is trying to make me see my blessings.... And I am trying to see them!