Monday, July 13, 2009


Same Bat Time Same Bat Channel... I will post a new blog SOON!!!

We have been up to...
Our own 4th of July Parade around our neighborhood... TOTALLY homemade :)
JACK's First unassisted Steps on Amee's B-day :)
Daddy and Bailee on a DATE!

Chat with you soon!

Friday, May 29, 2009

It's all about..... time!

This is Bailee doing her eye lashes.... Pink is a good color for eye lashes... I am SO doing this on Sunday for my talk!

Jack never stops! He never has no less than 4 visible bruises... Heads are like battering rams... apparently! His smile lights up a room though...

Ben is AMAZING! He is working well before the butt crack of dawn 6 days a week and going to school at MOCO 5 nights a week. I wish he didn't have to work so hard, but I am glad he does. I thought without him traveling we'd see him more... hasn't really been the case, but I think it does his heart good to see his kids light up when he comes home every night!
Oh... and Ben just got a Blue Ray player... he is way excited! Now all we need is blue ray movies and time to watch them!
Me... I just deleted half the post I just created and am a bit miffed! So I am done... Whittiness (sp?) will have to wait for another day!

Leaving you with My Bearded Princess! Auf Wiedersehn!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

For one of Bailee's many birthday celebrations, we went Ice Skating which was SO fun! Ben is a good ice skater and me well... I didn't fall... that was my one accomplishment... which judging by the way I snowboard, is QUITE a feat! Bailee was on Cloud 9 to be able to "Skate like Wonder Red"- a Super Why character (Super Why is Bailee's Favorite Show... and only one she gets to watch everyday- it has really helped her with her letters and starting to get the whole spelling concept) anywho... Wonder Red is Wonderriffic in Bailee's world and She SO enjoyed it!
Below is a Video of Jack... He was saying Da Da so I got out the video camera and he promptly stopped, but it is funny cause he was laughing everytime Ben said ma ma and repeating da da... Ma ma is just a funny word to a 6 month old... yes 6 MONTHS... can you believe that... most people haven't even meet him 6 months old... next thing we know he will be spouting Emerson and applying for college. Anyway... See for yourself... He is just too cute!

I started reading the Life of Joseph Smith by Lucy Mack Smith- a book from my parents collection of books from the 50's. I am not too far, but I am finding it interesting see the life of Joesph Smith (and really his whole family dynamic) through her eyes. I haven't even gotten to the first vision and you can see how prepared that family was for a Prophet of God to be in their family.
Now, I am pretty sure there is no prophet in my future family ( I added the pretty in pretty sure... Okay God...) but I need to start to look at things in my life a little more like "where is God taking me with this one?" instead of constantly being weighed down by the responsibilities and "talents" he has given me. I am currently Priamry Chorister, Enrichment Leader, Still have one foot in Young Womens since I just got released and the YW president's husband just died, Bread Winner for my family, emotional stability for my 3 year old (as stable as I am), the only person my son wants 3/4 of the time and then on to the wifely, dautherly, housekeeping, and friend duties- some I neglect and some I focus on a bit too much. I think maybe God wants me to humble myself and submit more to his will instead of juggling all of these balls... hummmm... interesting thought... Y'all are getting this out of my brain... I don't really edit these things either.. the rough draft is the final draft in this instance...
Okay... so the video is finished loading and it is way to late... I am at least going submit this post and go to bed... submission of wills... I will continue to work on! Enjoy your lives friends! It is yours!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Lickity Snipits!

... Life is getting more and more... ummm... let's say interesting. We have been through getting our gas mysteriously cut off for no reason, death of a good friend's husband, Ben's job rollercoaster, craziness at work, late library books, unemployment denials (Laid off ain't what it used to be!?), and sore muscles from trying to work my trash off and all I seamed to lose was my ability to stand and sit without wincing. OH and so much more!

I will say though my mood is still suprisingly up (my husband may say differently based on the cry fest I had on his shoulder the other night but,,, hey I was stressed). ====note to self... forgot to take birth control====

I lost 8 lbs in the month of January... Which has made me feel like I have some control over my life. The power of weight loss!

I am not feeling really long winded today so you are getting snipits of thought today... it's the multi tasking... like switching channels really!

I am really bouyied by all the people around me and love to read your blogs and see you on Facebook... although I need to do much less of those things at work now that we have internet at home and focus here at work... Speaking of... SEE YA!

Monday, January 19, 2009

It's Official!

So Ben has been "Officially out of work" now for a month- although he hasn't actually worked since November 2nd- yeah try explaining all that to unemployment. This is a real trial of my faith. We have decided that he needs to go back to school. He is really not happy doing what he is doing... need to find a happier existance! For the meantime, I am workign everyday and missing my kids... It has made me realize that I have been blessed to be at home with them more than many people, including Ben.

For now I am just praying that the kids get accepted into CHIP or Medicad so at least they are covered through this down time. That application has been in for 2 months now- MAN THEY ARE SLOW! I just want to know my family will be alright and for now... I can only pray and hope and do as much leg work as possible to get a job... I really to micromanage our family, I have learned that through all of this and I am learning to let go (not much but starting)...

I have lost 5 lbs so far this month- which was my goal for the month- so as long as I don't gain- heaven fobid- in the next 11 days... I will have actually accomplished a goal I set for myself. I ALWAYS seem to start things and NEVER finish... I don't want to be that person... so I am trying to change it... hopefully I have begun!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

An Update!

Bailee had a WONDERFUL birthday... thank you to everyone that pitched in!!! We focused on getting her dress up clothes for her birthday to broaden her imaginative play. This is her cat outfit Shasta found... TOO CUTE!!!

She is now also OFFICIALLY potty trained... and we thought the day would never come! An accident now and again but all in all DONE!!! She even woke up in the middle of the night the other night and stumbled out of her room looking for the potty... nothing like sleep walking pottying!!!!

Jack is getting HUGE... and he is actually interested in toys now! He will be 5 months tomorrow! Man the time is really flying with #2... It took forever for Bailee to get this old and now here we are!

Ben is still looking for a Job... Any new Ideas?!?... but I think he has found a new appreciation for being at home....

Me... I am working alot... well.... not currently... i'm on a "break"... my computer internet time is my break time... Just trying to keep the Family afloat... been doing it, but it is stressful being the only income... I have learned from the experience though... I am really trying to trust in God and Ben and I am finding that the stress isn't getting to me nearly as much and I can't ask for more than that!!!! I actually had a really great experience. I was talking to the Bishop about tithing and I committed to paying my tithing (I have never been good at this!) and I was really worried because 10% of my income... 10% less $ for keeping our family afloat... but I committed to it and just a short time later I got an email from my Boss that said... You are great I gave you a 10% raise on this check!!! Even my boss' wording said 10%... God really is looking out for us and does no the intents of our hearts and when we turn to him... he is always there... that experience has helped me this whole time of trial because I know he loves my family!

Oh and one more thing... Biggest loser starts TONIGHT! I am so addicted! (great segway!)

2 days in a row!!!!

I am looking for a better Blog layout.... any sugestions?!?!?! I want to be able to post pictures better!?!?!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Okay... so Literally here goes nothin....

So.. I'm no too good at this Blogging thing... But I am going to aim to do better... Ijust figured out my password again so he it goes! Ben and I are starting to cleanze our bodies and get healthier. We started on Jan. 1st (cliche, yes... but we are doing good) and are not eating Sugar or Flour. We are following the FAA food plan but not the program entirely, and I finding streanth in not eating as much... I am much more available to my self... or maybe I can say honest with what I am feeling. And I am excited to not be eatting ice cream (tradition) for the first time when I watch Biggest Loser... MY FAVORITE SHOW!!! I am totally going to win this year!!!! We are getting a computer at home so... hopefully posts will be more possible.. Post Pics soon!!!- New Hot bod coming soon....