Monday, September 13, 2010

One of those Days!

Wow... Saturday was an AWESOME day...

My husband had to work unexpectedly and he was going to watch the kids help me with the Primary activity I was in charge of. EEEEK.

So I found a place for Jack to Go - Blessing- and she ended up taking Bailee and Bringing her to the activity- Blessing 2

Right before I had to go take the kids I was feeling REALLY nauseous and tried to shove the nauseous feeling away with food (my normal tactic... It's just what I do?!?!) and I felt worse and worse till finally I just startes puking. Full on body up heavals. Since I was there alone with the kids they all came in for the show... Bailee kept asking me if I was okay I kept trying to answer between body convulsions and Jack got a stool and climbed so he could see the action better.

I finally felt as though I might be done... not feeling well, but at least able to brush my teeth and I had to leave for the primary activity. Side Note....I figured out I had taken my medicine before I ate my yogurt... APPARENTLY not the best idea... (Ben's comment was... and we learned something from this :) helpful!)

So stomach still week, Breakfast in the sink... drop off the kids, and get to Church. Set up the activity...Run the Activity.... Normal Activity Chaos... over in a few hours... Quick Break down- blessing 3

Pick up my kids... put then down for a nap, they take them- blessing 4. Ben gets home from work. I leave for work and run into Ben's Car... yea I was in tears... I guess I just scratched mine and his was unscathed-blessing 5...

Get to work stomach still funky, feeling exhausted from my day... HAVE to get some work done but all I can think about is that I have Sharing time Tomorrow... So I plan that instead of working... THAN finally get some needed work done, but I had to take some home since I spent my work time on Primary stuff...

I put the kids to bed and then CRASHED.....

GEEZ... There was more but that is the jist.... God is trying to make me see my blessings.... And I am trying to see them!

1 comment:

Camille Farias said...

Imagine me in a Spartan's cheerleader uniform.... Give me an "M"! Give me an "E"! Give me an "L"! What does it spell? "MEL"!
Rah! Rah! Sis boom bah!

Felt like you could use some cheerleading. You're the best anyway, and I only root for the best. Way to focus on the blessings.
