Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Yes... A Dumb and dummer quote.... it is kinda the way i've been feeling lately... like all my brain cells live in Mom and and there is nothing left for Melanie... I think alot of people feel that way though, but we all just smile and "Keep Moving Forward" as "Lewis" would say(Meet the Robinsons for those not in Mom brain land)

I had a good time last night I blasted my stereo to the oldies station... and felt more like myself than I have in a long time... I love the zone that only a good oldies song can provide... and then just had a chill night with friends helping register for a Baby- No not mine factory closed-at least for now maybe for good... yet to be determined....

I guess I am realizing I need WAY more me time, but that will soon not really be an option with Ben's school starting back in less than a week... but I need to find more me time at home... any suggestions?!?!

I really do love you all! Thank you for listening... or not but if you are not you are not reading this... and so... Thanks!

1 comment:

Chelsea said...

hey miss nami, i definitely understand your dilemma! we are busy ladies, eh. what i would do, is at the beginning of each month, decide what you want to focus on that month. do you want to blog? read? bake? organize? catch up on your fav tv shows? watch all your movies? by deciding ahead of time, you don't waste precious minutes trying to decide what to do. and of course if you really want to sew rather than read, do it! then look at the month and schedule in the time that you will do it. some days you might be able to spend 20 minutes, some days, you may have 2 hours. stick to your me time like it's an appointment. hold it sacred. try to have some me time at least every other day. and enjoy it! that's your time to ignore the cleaning and cooking and whatever else to just do something for you. no guilt! good luck!!